Honda ST1300 Top Speed, Quarter Mile Time, 0-60 mph Time

Honda ST1300 can reach a top speed of 140+ mph. The Honda ST1300 speedometer is restricted to 150 mph. ST1300 can go from 0-60 mph in 3.84 sec. The 1/4 mile acceleration time of the ST1300 is 11.47 sec.

Honda ST1300 0-60 MPH

According to most tests, Honda ST1300 0-60 mph is just ~3.5 seconds.

This makes it one of the quickest accelerating sport-touring motorcycles available.

The engine provides excellent low-end and mid-range power, allowing it to rocket off the line.

The broad torque band gives strong acceleration without needing to rev the engine high.

How fast does a Honda ST1300 go?

The Honda ST1300 top speed is limited to 150 mph per the factory speed limiter.

However, many riders have reported reaching speeds of 140+ mph.

Honda ST1300 Top Speed km/h

When converted to km/h, the Honda ST1300 top speed is approximately 241 km/h.

Many riders have reportedly reached a speed of 225 km/h on the ST1300.

This is an extremely high top speed for a touring motorcycle, showcasing the performance potential of the ST1300.

Even with a passenger and luggage loaded up for a long trip, the ST1300 can still reach impressively high speeds when conditions allow.

honda st1300 topspeed specifications

2004 Honda ST1300 Top Speed

As the first model year for the ST1300, the 2004 version established the 150 mph top speed that carries through to today’s models.

Despite being the earliest version, the ’04 ST1300 had outstanding power that could push it up to its limited top speed with ease.

2007 Honda ST1300 Top Speed

The 2007 ST1300 saw no changes to the engine or top speed compared to earlier models.

It retained the same 150 mph limited top speed and scintillating acceleration as the rest of the first-generation ST1300 models from 2002 through 2009.

2009 Honda ST1300 Top Speed

The 2009 model year for the ST1300 saw no major changes to the engine or performance.

As such, the ’09 ST1300 has the same top speed as other model years, limited to 150 mph from the factory.

Owners of the 2009 ST1300 reported the bike felt just as powerful and fast as prior years.

Honda ST1300 Police Top Speed

The Honda ST1300 is sometimes used as a police motorcycle due to its high performance, comfort, and touring capabilities.

Police models are restricted by the factory to about 120MPH.

Here’s our article on the ST1300PA model which covers the police motorcycle in detail.

Honda Pan European ST1300 Top Speed

The Honda ST1300 was marketed as the Pan-European in Europe.

It featured the exact same engine and chassis as the ST1300 sold in North America.

As such, the Pan-European has an identical top speed of 150 mph limited.

With excellent acceleration and power, the Pan-European ST1300 is one of the premier high-speed touring bikes in Europe.

In summary, the motorcycle in all its model years and variations features incredible acceleration as the Honda ST1300’s 0-60 mph time is just 3.9 sec.

With performance like this, the ST1300 establishes itself as one of the quickest and fastest touring motorcycles available worldwide.

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